Folie is a poetic and elegant fire and LED juggling show
About this fire & LED juggling show:
Far from the electro clichés of many fire and LED shows, Folie is a circus show that celebrates love. It explores the different stages of romance: meeting, flirtation, seduction, cooperation and trust.
This all-ages fire & LED circus show consists of fire juggling, LED juggling, dancing, acrobatics and ends with a firework finale.
Folie's success:
Folie is a unique fit for wedding entertainment & wedding animation as it is created & performed by partners (both onstage & off) Jen & Srikanta Barefoot (ex Cirque du Soleil).
Since its creation in 2018, Folie has been so successful that Fusion arts has a total of 3 couple’s performing this show. Folie continues to wow audiences at city festivals and private events across France and beyond.
Grand Finale Option:
In addition to the standard pyro finale with pyro poi, a grand pyrotechnic finale with pyro staffs & pyro fans is available for the ultimate wow effect. In addition to being an eye dazzling way to finish the show, the grand finale is set to an upbeat, funky soundtrack which is a great interlude to getting the party started in earnest!
Pixel Poi Logo Reveal:
Reveal your company’s logo or the name of your event on our pixel poi!
For wedding entertainment shows, include a special phrase or the names of the married couple for a personal touch.
- 2 Artists ; Exterior & Interior
- Ideal stage dimensions: 6 m depth x 8 m width x 6 m height
- Ideal security dimensions: 8 m depth x 12 m width x 6 m height
- No prefectoral authorisation required (France)
- Type of event: Wedding entertainment shows, birthday & anniversary shows, city events, street shows
- Personalised logo reveal during the show (pixel poi logo reveal)
- Grand pyrotechnic finale – wow effect!
- Indoor stage gerbs
- Wedding Shows Format – 18 minutes : Pixel Hula hoops, mini pixel poi, LED cube, LED pyramid, pixel staffs, fire staffs, sparkle ropes, dragon swords, pixels staffs, pixel poi logo reveal (names of the wedding couple) & pyrotechnic juggling.
- Festival Shows Format – 30 minutes : LED Buugengs, Pixel Hula hoops, mini pixel poi, LED cube, LED pyramid, LED skirt, LED square, pixel staffs, fire staffs, sparkle ropes, fire poi, dragon swords, charcoal poi, pixels pixel poi logo reveal & pyrotechnic juggling.