Learn, Play, Discover & Relax!
The Fire Dance & Flow Retreat on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Oahu combines poi and staff with pristine nature and adventure expeditions.
Suited for all levels of poi and staff spinners, the event will take place at a private retreat center located in a secluded valley amidst majestic mountains & forests with a 15 minute walk to the beach!

Instructional Classes are balanced with playing, relaxing and discovering Oahu’s rich natural and cultural heritage. Participants can choose their level of challenge but overall this retreat is very conducive to taking it easy and enjoying the ride.
In addition to daily classes & nightly fire jams, we’ll explore many amazing places around Oahu (private transportation organised): Pristine beaches, waterfalls, volcanoes.
Join us for adventure & fun in Oahu, Hawaii!
Get a discount! Get an Early Bird Ticket!
Who is welcome to attend?
All levels from beginner to advanced are welcome.
Instructors will offer beginning, intermediate & advanced options for many techniques. Instructional Classes will take place from 9am to 12pm on an outdoor dance floor which we are building specifically for the event.
About the Instructors

Srikanta was the first Contemporary Fire Dancer featured by the Cirque du Soleil (2007-2010), performing over 700 shows using fire poi, fire staff, double fire staff & double fire swords. He has 20 years of experience fire dancing including his position of Fire Dancing Coach and Lead Fire Dancer for Cirque Du Soleil. Srikanta has taught poi & staff workshops at locations worldwide since 2003 and has created an Instructional Video Series called Dancing with the Fire Staff. Click here for more info & to purchase.
Jen has been an integral part of Srikanta’s teaching since 2011. As a teacher with a background in classic dance, she continues to help create and refine both their dance-based style of fire dance and the way it’s taught. The two combine fire dance technique with martial arts, acrobatics & dance in their shows as well as in their instructional classes.
Typical Retreat Concepts
-Improvisation/ Freedom of Movement/ Expression
-Creative and Dramatic Choices- dare!
-Bringing out your own style
-Dancing with the unforeseen- what to do when things don’t go as planned
-Special Focus on Body Movement & Dance
-Techniques for creating interesting and inspiring performances

About the event format
Srikanta Barefoot & his (life & stage) partner Jen are overjoyed to be embarking on this adventure with you. The Hawaii event will be unlike our other Fire Dance Retreats which are more rigorous & focused on creating & performing dynamic fire dance choreography. The goal of the Oahu retreat is to learn, discover, have fun & relax.
Periods of exploration & discovery are a necessary process for renewal and regeneration. Srikanta will be offering a solid curriculum with options for beginning to advanced. We invite you to come with an open mind, ready to explore, discover and see where your inspiration leads you.
As the Oahu event is less structured than our other teaching events, we’ll be more able to adapt to the interests of the group. We may decide to spend more time on tech, or flow, or performance aspects, or double staffs, or partner poi/staff. We are also along for the ride ; )

Just as a great tower has a solid foundation, the more solid your foundation is, the higher your potential to soar. Please verify your proficiency. If you think you could benefit by learning a few more techniques prior to the retreat, we invite you to check out Srikanta’s instructional video series on Dancing with the Fire Staff, available for download/ streaming and Nick Woolsey’s beginner poi series.
Adventure & Discovery Schedule
In addition to morning instructional classes & nightly fire jams, we plan to make the most of being in one of the world most amazing spots!
On Monday afternoon, after the morning instruction and lunch, join the group for a walk to the beach. Don’t forget your staff and poi! At the beach we can have an impromptu jam, where you can already test out some of the new concepts you’ve learned, or just hang/ do your own thing. It’s an opportunity to both connect with your comrades and orient yourself to the amazing surroundings.
Trial by Fire – Fire Circles are gatherings of flow artists specialising in interpretive fire dance. They hold classes and skill share at 5 pm and burns at sunset.
On Thursday, we are planning a boat cruise with instructional classes and jams happening at incredible locations upon the way. Depending on the size of the class it is most likely that these will be included free of charge.
Friday, after the retreat
Lunar Vibes Community Retreat.
Lunar Vibes is an Audio Visual Movement Meditation Community Weekend Retreat.
All students are welcome to stay on & attend Lunar Vibes FOR FREE!
And, and, and…
And how about a fire jam at a nearby waterfall?! It’s the first year and as such we aren’t 100% sure about what else we will get up to, but the good news is, there are some great choices. In addition to these fun adventures in nature, we hope to find some cultural activities which give us an opportunity to connect & share with the local Hawaiian people
Program Start & End Times
The 2021 Oahu Fire Dance Retreat runs from Sunday February 13th to Saturday February 19th.
Orientation begins at 6:30pm on Sunday February 13th (arrive as early as 6pm).
The retreat ends at 6pm on Friday February 18th and is directly followed by the lunar vibes festival (details above).
Checkout is at noon on Saturday February 19th.

About the Retreat Venue

The Hawaii Spiritual Center is nestled deep in the valley of Hauula in the fabled North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. It is surrounded by majestic mountains and forests. There is a stream that goes through the land and into the nearby pristine beaches about 15 to 20 minutes away on a leisurely walk.
The retreat center fosters Hawaiian culture via gatherings and workshops. Cultivating native and local crops, the HSC has acres of agricultural land.
There is a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere in this secluded retreat space revered by the ancient Hawaii people. There are sacred sites which are kapu, and should only be entered with explicit permission.
There are numerous hikes with beautiful breathtaking views that stems from the center itself.

Lunch and dinner are provided for the duration of the 5 day retreat. There will be a special dinner on Friday evening. Please inform us of any allergies or food restrictions. There is a shared kitchen which you are free to use. Meals are both organic & vegetarian.
Booking Private Instruction
Srikanta & Jen are available for individual and small group instruction. If you are interested in learning any props not taught during the retreat (ie. double staffs, swords, double swords, etc), workshopping your choreography or show, or delving deeper into any aspect of the week’s poi & staff instruction, please contact us in advance to book your private session.
It’s best to plan these sessions for the days either preceding or following the retreat as the weekdays are packed with group activities.
Private Instruction Rates:
Individual Instruction: 60eu/hr
2 Individuals: 80eu/hr (40eu per person)
3 Individuals: 100eu/ hr (33eu per person) *1 hour minimum booking
Get a discount! Get an Early Bird Ticket!
More about our teaching events
“It was great fun. Best holiday ever!”
Matt (Stromboli – 2015)
Jennifer (Costa Rica – 2012)